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FIRST™ Communications

FIRST™ Communications is a proven professional communication practice that enables you and your team to develop and deliver all communications efficiently and effectively.

With “effective” being defined as your audience not only reading and/or listening, but also understanding the message and what needs to happen next.

All NalesEd™ Programs are built using the FIRST™ Communications framework.


Every year the AACSB conducts a study on written communication curriculum at universities. The purpose of the study is to identify if written communicatinos curriculum is meets or exceeds expectations.

The table below shows the difference between when FIRST Communications was not embedded into written communications curriculum (AY 20-21), versus when it was in AY 22-23.

AACSB NalesEd Chart.png

When FIRST Communications was adopted by only 20% of faculty, the AACSB ranked all four performance dimensions significantly above previous years, clearly displaying the impact of FIRST Communications.

What is FIRST™ Communications?

F - Focused: on the key topic, recommendation, item being communicated – every communication has to focus narrowly on what is needed: the request, the recommendation, or the ask. 

I - Interest: it grabs the audience’s attention right and way and keeps it.  If it doesn’t pull them in, they will move on.

R - Researched: don’t bring an opinion to a data fight. Anything you propose or recommend needs to be supported by an objective  third-party source. 

S - Specific: the brain can only process one piece of info at a time. Only one topic, ask, request at a time. More than one confuses and loses the audience.  

T - Time Based: next steps – it has to have specific. measurable  time-based next steps. What needs to done by whom and when.  Believe it or not everyone--especially busy productive folks--like to be told what to do. So tell them!


business leaders agree that “effective communication is critical for a remote or hybrid workplace".

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